Quality of Education
The quality maintenance system is completed hierarchical functionality of rules, described in normative documents, regulated activities and organizational structures. It forms the policy for achieving quality objectives and provides planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of the factors that determine quality of training.
Quality in this context refers only to training and academic staff and all academic entities are treated only in this aspect.
The system for assessing and maintaining the quality of training sets requirements to academic records through its representatives in the academic and faculty bodies, approving academic standards, curricula, programs and schedules for the training process.
Main targets of assessment are specialty, academic subject, lecturer, academic manager, educational qualification degree.
Specific objects of assessment are based on the analysis of the situation and are associated with identified weaknesses (the learning process discipline, training, services to students, graduation, etc.).
Primary and determining factor of quality of training is keeping students, lecturers and academic management motivated to achieve quality.
Quality of training is achieved through periodic assessment of the following targets: specialty, academic subject, lecturers. The assessment is performed in terms of the quality of the learning process (self assessment) and the result of the training (external evaluation).
In assessing the three targets taking into account the opinion of the students is compulsory.
Students’ opinion is objectively recorder by periodically conducted surveys.
The results of the assessment of specialties, subjects and lecturers are subject to adjustable publicity.
The quality assessment and maintenance system consists of three levels:
Level 1: Academic Commission on quality of training at the Academic Council, Vice-Rector for quality and administrative staff;
Level 2: Faculty Commission on quality of training;
Level 3: Departmental officer on quality of training.
The appraisal of academic staff is to meet the requirements of Art. 6, para. 4 of the Higher Education Act regarding establishing the element of the system for assessing and maintaining the quality through:
– assessing the contribution of each member of the faculty in academic, artistic, research and administrative activities of the academy;
– improving the selection and qualification and stimulating creative development of lecturers;
– exploring students' opinion about the quality of education.
Subject of evaluation is each faculty member working under employment with NAA.
(2) Subject to the evaluation study are methodical, artistic creativity, scientific research and administration activities of the appraisee.
(3) appraisal is mandatory.
(4) According to Art. 57 of the Higher Education Act non-habilitated persons are appraised once in three years, and persons with academic rank – every five years.
Appraisal shall be carried out according to published criteria that should be made available to any member of the faculty, according to Art. 57 (2) of the Act. As pre-announced criteria shall be considered the information, included in these Rules. Bodies of appraisal are:
– Faculty Council, which has a support unit in the face of the Faculty Quality Committee;
– Academic Council, which has a support unit in the face of the Academic Quality Committee.